Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Biggest Loser

I don't get to watch a lot of television, but I do enjoy catching The Biggest Loser when I can. We have a RS activity almost every Tuesday night so if I get around to it, I'll watch the episodes online later in the week. But occasionally Josh doesn't get home on time for me to attend the activities and Grayson and I sit in front of the boob tube for two hours and witness the amazing journey of these overweight contestants.

I've been pretty diligent at watching this season since the players were split into blue and black teams and let me just say, I really dislike Ron. I hate that the other people felt obligated to keep him on the ranch so much so that they were willing to vote stronger teammates off early on (even though it meant keeping Ron, a weak player, around) and their entire team more likely to continue losing challenges, thereby forcing the elimination of more strong players. A vicious cycle and they fell right into it.

Anyway, for anyone that watches it and is reading this post right now, how are you voting between Ron and Mike? I'm enough of a grudge-holder that I don't want Mike to win ANYTHING because of the way his father has behaved. I send Mike to the final four and hope that Tara beats him and he walks away empty handed, or do I send Ron to the final four to ensure Mike doesn't have a chance at the $250k even though it means risking him getting the $100k consolation prize?


Haylee said...

Hey Paige! Thanks for your comments on my blog. It's fun to find you! I caught Biggest Loser last night too but haven't watched it regularly. Tara is the one I'm pulling for. I'm so glad to see that life is going so well for you. Good luck with the food storage and house hunting. I wish we were in the market now!

Natalie Gottwald said...

We voted for Ron because we hate him, he is so coniving or how ever you spell it. We are voting for him because it will hurt him worse to see his son not in the final 3!!!

Debra said...

I agree with your sentiments. This is the first season I've watched it and won't be the last, but I think the team he was on was dumb to keep him around so long. I think they said he was up for elimination 6 or 7 times before!

But I like Mike. I'm rooting for Tara to win, but Mike seems to have a really good heart too, so it wouldn't be the end of the world to me if he won.

And I will say that I haven't heard one person talk about this season without saying how much they dislike Ron, so I'm betting he gets the boot.

superpaige said...

I hear you. Ron has been coniving and not so honest this whole time. If I had watched it on the right day (I watched it a couple of days late), I would have voted for RON, just so Tara would have a better chance of winning against Ron and Helen, instead of against Mike. But, really, if Mike wins, I'll be ok with that, too.

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Annetta. I found you on Mormon Mommy Blogs. I love the Biggest Loser, I have been watching it since the first season. This is really the first season that things didn't get really ugly at end between contestants. Even though I think Ron should have gone home sooner in the season. I will vote for Mike. A lot of people even on the show forgot that is was a contest even though at the same time it is about losing weight and getting healthy. I love watching people start taking care of themselves. I wish I could go on there to lose the extra 10 lbs I have put on.