My depression is over. It was real, though, and very hard on me. I don't think Josh realized how sad I was, so it didn't seem to affect him too badly. Moving helped, though. Getting rid of this weird allergic reaction I had to Las Vegas really helped me, too.
Just getting to know and understand my role as wife and 'homemaker' is what helped the most. I didn't have a job, children, or a real direction in life, so I was bored and felt useless. Then we moved the end of November and I got to go through boxes, throw stuff away, and clean clean clean! I hung up some paintings, made up a guest room, and am patiently organizing our two worlds into one. I had stuff stored in my parents' attic that I haven't looked at for more than 5 years. There is still much to do, but it's coming along. I travel with Josh when he goes out of town for work, and spend a lot of time helping my mom clean her house when we're up there.
Yay for me! I'm busy! I'm accomplishing things! I clean and organize the house, wash the laundry, cook meals, and entertain friends and guests. These are my duties now, and for now, they are enough. I realize they won't be enough forever, but I'm certain they will change as I change. I feel appreciated, I feel loved, and I feel needed. As of right now, my life is complete and I couldn't be happier.