Sunday, November 2, 2008

9 months!

During the last month, Grayson...
  • Grew to 18 pounds, 9 ounces and 27 3/4 inches
  • Started saying 'mama' and 'dada' when respectively hitting us - we think he really understands!
  • Started taking a few steps while holding on to objects
  • Finished growing two more top teeth
  • Decided he loves eating Cheerios, blueberries, and raw red potatoes
  • Fed himself small bites of food (it's so cute to see his little fingers work so hard)
  • Got his first fever and rash, sending us to the pediatrician for Grayson's first sick visit
  • Started climbing up on things to reach forbidden items
  • Watched Pyper get blessed
  • Wore his first band-aid (those little paper cuts sure do bleed!)
  • Dressed up for his first Halloween (but no trick-or-treating yet)
  • Followed me all over the house, helping me vacuum, sweep, fold laundry, and shred paper
Here are some pics from the month of October. How quickly time passes and how terrible I've become at taking and posting photos.

First, the freakishly short second toe I mentioned in this post:October 10 - Hey, a band-aid! I can't wait to chew on it!
October 12 - Ewww...Pyper has girl germs!
October 16 - My new favorite thing about Grayson. He 'chews' the air and his bottom lip sticks out when his lips come together. He often has this same look when he's babbling and trying to copy me when I make a popping noise with my lips. It's hilarious.
October 22 - Grayson loves that when he touches this lamp it magically turns on, goes brighter, then turns off. He gets a kick out of it every time. In this pic I moved my bracelet out of his reach so he was forced to reach a little further - on his tip-toes.
October 26 - Spiderwoman and TiggerOctober 29 - Walking around the bar chairs (look at that tongue)October 31 - Grayson and the local nutjobsHappy Halloween!


Shauna said...

How adorable! What a precious post! Thanks for starting out my day with a smile :) And that costume looks just like me! So bouncin cool :)

Karynn said...

He is the cutest thing. I can't believe how big he is! Love that little costume. He makes it even cuter.

Chad and Becky said...

ADORABLE! I love to see how big he is getting!

Joy said...

What a cute, cute lil' boy.

bechtold clan said...

I love his toe!

Katz said...

Oh my goodness, I love that kid!

The Palmers said...

He is so cute! Sept... ummm.. is he pushing my darling little girl away!? What is up with that!!!?